Ok so we aren't your ordinary family, but neither are we in an ordinary place! In IKEA yesterday we found tiny stuffed rats for children, and the price caught our attention. Only 1 euro! We had resisted the mild urge last time we saw them, but the thought of our mother's faces when they heard that we had given our children toy rats was just too BIG to resist this time! Thus each child received a rat. Later we had a great time with baby Elijah and those tiny rats! He didn't seem to mind! What a trooper!
Also in IKEA yesterday, we were looking for the comforters and she asked the workers where the jelly/jam is for the bed. The word for comforter and jelly is very close in fact it is just one letter different! The funny part is they knew what she was talking about, and sent us to the right place! Hummm...I wonder if that happens often?
As we walked away Heather said, "Oh no, I just asked them where is the jelly/jam for the bed!" Ok so Heather just had a baby and she is on sleep deprivation soooo her French isn't quite up to par, but new baby aside, it wasn't the first and won't be the last faux pas we make in Belgium with this great new language!!! It was just too fun not to share! Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself!
1 comment:
Love the stories from abroad! Great way for us to stay connected while you are away!
Cousin Jessie
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