Monday, April 6, 2009

More planned FUN

So in our last post we told you about how our ministry is really just on fire, and we are just trying to keep up with all God is bringing our way.
One quick story, we ended up with a piece of the child's toy after our get together on Saturday night. So today we headed over to bring the part back, and invited them to go to the park with us. They said, "Yes, we'll meet you there" So off we went American football and European football in hand to our local park. At the park we start tossing the football as a family and a French Belgian man "Jean" approaches us and starts talking with Brian. They have a great initial conversation.
Then our friend arrives with their two kids, and he starts playing catch too. From there Brian and Benoire have a great conversation of relationship building. What a blessing! And the kids had a fantastic time together ta boot!
Thank you for praying for the Lord to allow us to be here to walk in this distant land forming friendships, sharing Christ and seeing hearts soften to the Gospel. Pray that as we have interactions like these that the Lord will give us the words to say and that He will open their hearts and draw them to Himself.


Hepners Blog said...

So wonderful to hear how the Lord is blessing you daily. We think about you and pray for you often. Lots of love from us all!!!

Great Googly Moogly! said...

By the way--I love your new name: The Belgium 5.5. It'll be The Belgium 6 pretty soon!!